COURT STALLS LANDFILL EXPANSIONThe enlargement of “Mt. Trashmore” has been stalled by the court. Will this help Marin move toward zero waste?
A judge’s ruling to throw out Redwood Landfill’s Impact statement, on which Waste Management’s expansion plans were based, at least protects Marin’s North Bay wetlands and waters from environmental threats critics have charged were being ignored. The ruling also calls attention to the antiquated custom of throwing all our “trash” in a hole in the ground instead of recycling and using most of it. Waste engineers have said perhaps all but about 6 percent of our waste stream could be put to use as resources, and the term “waste’ could become obsolete once better design and producer take-back husbanded materials more rationally. Continue Reading → |
THE ZERO WASTE HOMEHere’s a great resource for tips about reducing your personal waste impact and working toward Zero Waste living. A few years ago, the Johnson family of Mill Valley decided to stop talking about sustainable living and to start walking the talk. They re-engineered all the details of their life until they achieved their goal of true Zero Waste Living.
Luckily for us, they blogged about it – – everything from down-sizing their house, to switching from paper tissues to reusable cotton pads, to finding compostable toothbrushes (they exist!.) Their prize-winning website is packed with practical ideas and inspiration. Take a look. |
SF Zero Waste/ Prevent Waste
The city of San Francisco is serious about driving toward a goal of Zero Waste to Landfills by 2020. Their bag ordinance went into effect October 1. All retailers are no prohibited from dispensing single-use plastic bags, and they must charge 10¢ when they give out a paper bag. The program includes extensive promotion and consumer education on reusable bags. Importantly, the city’s zero waste program also includes a push for consumer action on the upstream side of the problem under the title “Prevent Waste.”
eco-cycle is a non-profit that has been working on waste reduction in Boulder, CO for almost 40 years! Their website has a terrific one-page answer to “What is Zero Waste?” Beyond that, it offers an in-depth picture of what a mature zero waste effort looks like: dozens and dozens of programs from local governments, businesses and non-profits to attack the waste problem at every point in the chain. Taken together they form both a inspiring model and a practical guide to the kind of programs we need in Marin. It also has lots of tips and videos for individuals on how to become part of the solution.
Late Breaking News Flash! On October 16 the City Council of Boulder, pushed by groups like eco•cycle, adopted a 10¢ fee for every paper or plastic bag given out by grocery stores, convenience stores and discounters. The bad news is that the City Staff had recommended a 20¢ fee.) |