Sustainable San Rafael, along our partners, has helped educate and galvanize the community through a number of candidate forums and other important events promoting climate leadership in local, county, state, national, and global governance. To achieve systemic change at the scale and speed needed now, the most important thing you can do is "Vote Climate."
Candidates Forum: Why Sustainability Matters
On October 3 2012 Sustainable San Rafael sponsored a Candidates Forum, “Why Sustainability Matters in Washington and Sacramento.”
First, the full-house audience watched the Presidential debate live on the big screen. Then our candidates for Congress and the Assembly debated sustainability issues. This is one example of many candidates forums that we have hosted over the years. |
On August 15, 2013 a standing-room-only crowd packed the Mill Valley Community Center to hear Congressman Jared Huffman and a panel of experts answer the question “What Would Climate Leadership Look Like in Washington?” The lead sponsors were Sustainable San Rafael and Organizing for Action, along with 24 co-sponsors that made important contributions to staging this ambitious event.
On November 9, 2015, on the eve of the Paris Climate Talks, a packed house in Dominican University’s Angelico Hall gathered to hear some straight talk on addressing climate change. An outstanding lineup of speakers gave their candid assessment of where we stand on taking meaningful action to avert disastrous climate change and what it will take to get governments to step up to do more. The event was jointly sponsored by Sustainable San Rafael and Organizing for Action who convened and co-chaired the Time to Lead on Climate coalition of a dozen Marin environmental organizations to sponsor this and future large-scale events.
GETTING TO PARIS Without Stopping in Washington
On September 15, 2018 over 800 people attended our biggest climate event ever, “Getting to Paris Without Stopping in Washington.” Time to Lead on Climate, led by Sustainable San Rafael and Organizing for Action, organized the event, but it couldn’t have happened without the enthusiastic support of of over 30 partner groups, plus a stellar list of speakers headlined by the architect of the Paris Climate Agreement, Christiana Figueres. Enjoy!
A call for national leadership to solve the cascading crises of climate, health, equity and the economy in the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. elections. A conversation with Congressman Jared Huffman, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, and Prof. Daniel Kammen. Recorded on September 21, 2020 in San Rafael, California. USA. Again led by Time to Lead on Climate coalition, co-chaired by Sustainable San Rafael and Organizing for Action.