EveryOne Can Make a difference
Few things do more to inspire local governments to take systemic actions to address climate change than for individual citizens to stand up and say, "I've done it and it works!" From driving an EV to buying locally, we can all lead by example. These Sustainable San Rafael partner groups can help provide the resources you need for individual climate actions:
For a comprehensive menu of actions to reduce your household's carbon footprint and prepare for climate impacts, try the Resilient Neighborhoods workshop series. It will put you on the path to carbon neutral.
To see how other households have gotten off fossil fuels, join homeowners on a virtual walk through their digs via a Marin Green Home Tour.
MarinCAN is the holder of the vision that Marin can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 60% by 2030 and below net zero emissions by 2045. It supports key Climate Solutions that provide a countywide roadmap to meet these goals, working with many of the groups listed here.
Zer0-Emission Mobility
For help buying an electric car or e.bike that can cut your personal carbon footprint in half, sign up with Ride & Drive Clean for a webinar, event, or discount.
The Golden Gate Electric Vehicle Association provides additional resources and comradery in electrifying your mobility.
Zero-Emission Buildings
In addition to developing a countywide Building Electrification Plan and model ordinances, the County's Electrify Marin program offers guidance and rebates to help individuals stop burning fossil fuels to heat their homes and water, cook food, or dry clothes.
BayREN offers more rebates and advice, and in-depth information on available equipment and suppliers of electric heat-pump water and space heaters (that also provide air conditioning and filtration during intensifying heat waves and smoke events), as well as other appliances.
Consult The Switch is On for a list of all rebates available in your zip code, including generous federal incentives designed to supercharge the transition off fossil fuels this decade.
Fossil Free Electricity
Underpinning the switch to electric mobility and buildings is the clean electricity provided by Marin-based MCE, the first public utility of its kind in California. The non-profit provides mostly fossil-free energy systemwide, and a slight premium gets you 100% renewable power.
Equitable Housing
Preparing for Climate Impacts
Zero 'Waste' - More Resource
More Trees - Less CO2
Growing a Green Economy
Vote Climate
Keep Learning
Marin's legacy environmental organization whose mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the natural assets of Marin in a changing environment. Tune into MCL's monthly Climate Action Working Group meetings to join in-depth discussions of Marin climate priorities and strategies, informed by local climate leaders and state and national experts.