In fighting climate change, the shift in the source of energy is key. With a single action, we can make large significant changes. When we change the source of our electricity from fossil fuels to renewables, we are reducing the carbon footprint of all the homes and businesses in Marin- with the throwing of one switch.
The demand side of the energy story is equally important. The most impactful kilowatt-hour of electricity is the one we don’t use thanks to improved our energy efficiency. As you explore this section, you’ll find news of many exciting efficiency programs for homes and businesses.
The demand side of the energy story is equally important. The most impactful kilowatt-hour of electricity is the one we don’t use thanks to improved our energy efficiency. As you explore this section, you’ll find news of many exciting efficiency programs for homes and businesses.
New Solar For San Rafael

In August, the San Rafael City Council voted to move ahead with a major initiative to install solar panels on six city buildings. The first site to be completed will be City Hall, pictured above. When the project is complete. 57% of the city’s electric use will be delivered by solar, and the city’s greenhouse gas emissions will have been reduced by 18%. Check out this story in the Marin IJ for more details.
Marin’s Largest Solar Farm Approved
NEWS FLASH! On June 23, the Marin County Planning Commission approved construction of a 2 Megawatt Solar Farm at the abandoned Cooley quarry outside Novato.
Public comments and those of the commissioners converged on a common theme: This project is a perfect example of the kind of projects Marin needs, with none of the negatives that have doomed other renewable energy projects. Unless someone appeals the Planning Commission decision to the full Board of Supervisors within the next two weeks, construction should start in mid-July and be complete by early autumn. It will be Marin’s largest solar installation yet, and will be used by Marin Clean Energy to power their new “Sol Shares” 100% local renewable option. |